I'm now in my new home in Montréal. I survived. And yes, I'm happy I'm alive.
This would is the perfect song for me right now. It's by Kraftwerk, from their 1975 record Radioactivity. So instead, I'm playing what I think is one of their greatest songs. Here are the words in German and a translation. Ahhh science...
Radioland (MP3)Drehen wir am Radiophon
Vernehmen wir den Sendeton
Durch Tastendruck mit Blitzesschnelle...(click clack)
Erreichen wir die Kurze Welle
Nach Feineinstellung mit der Hand
Lauschen wir dem Morseband
Elektronenklänge aus dem Radioland
We are turning dials of the Radio
We are hearing the sound of transmission
By pressing a button fast
We reach the short wave band
After fine tuning by hand
We are listening to the Morse band
Electronic sound from Radioland
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German, science and classical music influenced electronic music. Perfect mix for a geek like me.